We Look Forward to Meeting You

Two Sunday morning services: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Eastern time



On Sunday mornings at Village Church, you'll be welcomed by friendly people who are genuinely glad to meet you. You can enjoy a cup of coffee in the foyer before service starts. Then we'll begin with a time of worship followed by an inspiring message from our pastor. We conclude each service with an invitation and prayer. 

You'll probably notice that we don't "pass the plates" during service. Instead, we have a secure offering box at the back of the sanctuary (next to the sound booth), where attendees can give tithes and offerings. Online giving is also available. 

What should you wear? Honestly, just dress however you feel comfortable for church, whether it's in your Sunday best or in a
t-shirt and jeans. 

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for your kids

In Village Kidz, children from infants and toddlers through fourth grade will attend age-specific classes with lessons and fun activities that help them learn about Jesus. 

When you arrive on Sunday morning, children are checked in to our electronic database and given a name tag to physically identify them. A parent or guardian must show a corresponding ID slip in order to claim children following the service.

Village Kidz is staffed by volunteers, all of whom pass a background check. Safety is our highest priority for your children.

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At Village Church, we have a place for middle schoolers in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades! Our Middle School Ministry meets on Sunday mornings at 11:00 in the sanctuary for worship, and then they move to their class right after worship.

Here, middle school kids will learn how to read the Bible for themselves and apply its principles to their everyday lives. Lesson by lesson, they will be encouraged to use these principles and truths to become disciples of Jesus and realize their significance as children of God.

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Village Students is our ministry for teens in 9th through 12th grades. We meet on Sunday mornings at 11:00 in the Village House, right after worship in the sanctuary, where we'll spend time in God's Word and, of course, have lots of fun.

Village Students also has regular outings throughout the year, including game night at the pastor's house, a day at Six Flags, a night of bowling at Stars and Strikes, and so much more. Join us!